blog entries (feb 2023)

febuary 16th, 2023, 11:47 pm

oh. my god. maybe one day ill remember to actually update this site??!?!

i mean. actually. okay. ill be real. i remembered. but adhd made me procrastinate on it so much because it always seemed like too much work. realistically it... isnt? its always a bit boring to update stuff (my kinlist specifically. that thing is the bane of my existance) but these blog posts seem like a lot too BECAUSE I KEEP PUTTING IT OFF AND THEN I HAVE A MILLION THINGS TO WRITE DOWN ONCE I FINALLY GET TO IT!!!

SIGHS. well. im here now! so heres a huge update! and then after this i might do them weekly or try to at least??? idk. i am also worried ab how much pages im gonna have on my site but :,) im sure its fine...

as for site updates theres not much!! i made a guestbook , and i have a few unfinished pages that im gonna get to as soon as i have the energy and time to really just sink into the laptop and work on it. talking about laptops i have a new one! i havent moved anything to it yet though because im stressed out about it. soon though. once i do get stuff moved over itll mean i can actually USE my laptop for stuff. this one im typing on rn is like... completely out of space. augh.

anyway i should do this in chronicalogical order... where was i during the last update? oh god it was before christmas. holy shit. okay! well! so. last time i just went through stuff that happened. i talked about getting a job and... yeah i still dont have one. ill explain why after i talk about the holidays!

they were great! super busy as always, but great!! we opened our house to have a christmas party for the first time since covid and it was... so nice. we have a tradition where we have an open house on xmas eve and play xmas music and set out snacks we had baked in the week before and those parties are one of my best memories, so it was great to have another! i invited 2 of my friends (moon, from one of the other blog posts, and another ill call.. uhh.. garfield.) and showed them my (newly painted!) room!! and we just played games and had fun it was awesome. and then christmas day was great too!!! i got a BUNCH of cool gifts, including a BUNCH of splatoon plushies, a ghost hunting book, some AWEESOME shoes (that we had to return and get a new pair since they were too small :P), and a poloroid camera!! and a bunch of other stuff but my mind is failing me rn :P. and then at some point between christmas and new years aswell, i went to garfield's and we hung out!! my first sleepover in a LONG time :P it was freaking awesome though. and then we had a new years party, which was pretty cool! at the end of the night, right as the new year hit, me and my family did a tradition where we write down everything we want to leave behind in the new year and burn the papers and it was... just so nice. it was nice to do it this year knowing i can actually, truly let go of those things. and then i just went upstairs to watch rvb!

aaaand... thats where the one, truly, horribly, worst thing you could imagine happens. i got a sore throat. and i slept until 5 pm and woke up in extreme amounts of pain. and i tested for covid... and it was positive :(

so. thats why i dont have a job. i REALLY dont wanna get covid again and.. yeah . yeah. it was so sucks. the first/second day of having it was UNBEARABLE. i barely felt alive. after that though i did get better, i was testing positive every day but i felt.. okay? it was super sucky still, but i felt normal-ish? honestly theres not much to say. i read a book. i watched stuff. i didnt play much splatoon since i would get motion sick playing it. i facetimed my family a lot. we took lots of precautions (i was in my room, and only came out WITH A MASK to go to the washroom) so, thankfully, i did not get my family sick. but as time went on i was STILL testing positive and i had to deal with the fact that i was gonna have my birthday in quarantine. which i did. it was still nice! i had my favourite breakfast and then i played minecraft with all my friends, but it was still sad. i havent even had my proper birthday party yet :( this was supposed to be the year i did, since i ALSO didnt have a proper party last year. COME ON MAN! i think ill have it sometime in late spring or summer. idk. i havent decided yet, but probably summer. gah im getting anxiety talking about this-

-LETS SWITCH TOPICS! i eventually did get out of covid (and almost immediately had ANOTHER sleepover with garfield, which btw, the train ride back from their place WAS where i caught covid. big dummy moments. it was fine though!) ummm... huh what else. ive been playing a lot of splatoon. ive been slowly decorating my room. ive been starting to do art again. im dumb and bought a lot of things over these past few months- whoops. UMM. im planning on shaving my head because im sick of my hair?!?! oh yeah! i hung out with my friends recently (the council, consisting of garfield and another friend ill call kitty!) and that was awesome. we went thrifting, and then went to petsmart, and then got food and drinks! it was a great night :D. idk what else to say!! i did find a new music artist im completely in love with and ive been listening to their songs on repeat for 2 weeks! i also won my first 100x battle on the splatoon splatfest (#whitechocolatesweep), and ive been watching a lot of HLVR:AI recently (i also watched the last gnome stream and the behind the scenes gnome stream, and they noticed one of my joke questions and responded to it seriously and it made me want to Die. holly hollow tones and wayne radio tee vee if you are reading this I WAS NOT SERIOIUS. it wasnt even anything bad btw it was just a cringy joke and i did Not want to be perceived HAHAH.)

ok. i think thats it. if i remember anything ill put it in short form here:

