blog entries (october-december 2022)

december 13th, 4:37 am

HAIIII sorry its been so long!! havent had the motivation to work on my site, im getting stuck on some pages. theyre just either too tedious or too difficult to work on! but im back with a short blog post, and probably some edits to my kinlist!

sooooo... a lot has happened i think? ugh i made these posts because i have bad memory and then forgot to write any more. well, first of all, tying into the halloween talk from last post, im done almost all my halloween candy! i have 2 gummies and 1 full size bar, and then im done! also since halloween is over, i decided to try and get a job! thats why i havent posted actually, i was gonna post another blog once i got a job, but... its been a month and a half. im not getting one anytime soon. i WAS gonna get a job at the same place my brother works but they were being real assholes about it. kept saying theyd call me and then never doing so, promising to hire me and then saying they have to hire someone else before me, and in general just making me wait a whole month and giving a shit ton of empty promises. so like... whatever. at this point i dont even want the job, i have a rocky relationship with my brother anyways so i think getting a job at the same place as him would just completely suck.

anyways, some good news now!! i have a tradition i do every november, where i make a cherry pie. its based off of a tumblr post saying 'ill make a cherry pie when im okay' and then a photo of a cherry pie from a year later. that post helped me through one of the roughest times of my life, so i ended up doing the same thing. this is the second year in a row! here's the post, check it out to learn more! the pie was really tasty, btw

since its now december though, ive started to get ready for christmas (the best holiday)!!! i went christmas shopping and... man. it was an experience. i went with my friend, and their friend-- except their friend is the kid of my parent's ex friend. so... it was intresting. they seemed alright though! i got 2 gifts for my mom, 1 gift for my dad (im still looking for another), 1 gift for each of my siblings, aaaand... 5 gifts for myself. listen. listen. i just have bad self control. im just gonna package them as gifts for myself anyways since, if i bought it during christmas shopping, that means i have to wait to get my own gifts. its killing me though. i got some really cool stuff. cant wait to show off all the gifts i got and gave this year in my christmas blog post!!! anyways back to when i was shopping with my 2 friends... after we were done with most of our shopping, we went to get food, and since were all adults now, we decided to get drinks. it was like... cranberry booze with cinnamon roll syrup and slush and some other stuff??? it sounds gross but it was SO GOOD. and i got drunk. worth it though, it was super fun!

thats the most exciting stuff so far, from here on out its kinda boring. ive worked on my room, im finally getting around to painting it yellow after years of meaning to and never doing it! it sucks that it took so much time but oh well, im probably not gonna move out anytime soon honestly :P considering I CANT EVEN GET A JOB ... anyways. anyways . yeah uh aside from that idk. i started rewatching red vs blue which is fun!! it is giving me pretty bad anxiety, but im powering through it anyways. its so fun rewatching it though, i forgot how much i loved this show. i also get to look back at a lot of my old creations, and while a LOT of them suck, i did have a few cool ideas, which is nice!! ive started to theme my whole self around the chorus trilogy again, which is... not surprising in the slightest. LOL. im on season 6 right now, but i watched it out of order. it goes like this: seasons 11, 12, 13, season 15, half of season 14, and then all the way back to the 1st season, and now im on the 6th season. what will i do when i get to season 11?! trick question. the answer is rewatch it 20 times and then continue on from there. i still havent watched rvb0! excited to check that out even though apparently it sucks. also its so funny rewatching any other season of rvb aside from chorus because i... dont remember like anything. so its like its completely new to me!!! ive been trying to get my friends into it, to no avail. one day i will. i know my (online) brother radiant would love it, i can totally see him becoming obsessed with epsilon.

anyways i need to go fix up some other stuff here on my site, and then go to bed! one last thing though, i made a small about me on rentry! i def like this site but i just wanted a small little about me to post places that was mostly disconnected from this site, since this site has a lot of stuff and just. yeah i have anxiety what about it anyways. OH I ALSO CHANGED MY TUMBLR THEME OK BYE

november 1st, 5:26 am

HEY! so im about to go to bed but i thought id make a little post about what halloween was like!

first of all, i decided to dress up as a paranormal investigator, because duh, i am one. ill put a picture HERE when i edit and get one! and after finishing my costume i rushed out the door to go to a halloween party!! it was pretty cool, i knew a few people there but was only friends with 2, there was 8 people overall! we decided to go to a magic store thing (like the kind with crystals and tarot cards and way too much insence) since a lot of the people in the group were witches, and while im TECHNICALLY not one?? i did take an intrest in the tarot cards (as ive been using them since i was a kid, my birth name was gotten from a card in my moms deck even) and in the paranormal books!! i didnt find anything too cool though, but i wouldnt have had money anyways :/

anyways after that we found a place to eat, my stomachs been pretty bad this past week with constant stomach aches (probably from anxiety, tbh) so i just had water and a plate of calamari. we also did some tarot deck readings which was cool!! and then i left early becausee...

i REALLY wanted to go trick or treating!

i know, i know. im 18. an adult. i shouldnt be trick or treating! but i literally look like a young teenager anyways and like... i cant give up trick or treating yet :( im not ready!! i dont think i ever will at this point honestly. but when i started trick or treating it was like 8:30!! it ends at 9!!!! so i had my mom drive me from house to house, picking out all the places with the most lights on, and getting as much candy as i could until almost all the houses were dark. IT WAS SO FUN. i got so much rare candy, i got some cool trinkets (a pencil and a glowstick) and i got 2 big chocolate bars (a kitkat and a almond hersheys!!) and then when i got home i organized it, as i do every year:

anyway after that i went to eat the pizza my mom ordered and noticed she ordered green peppers (yuck!) instead of green olives (yum!) so we ordered another one, and once the pizza came i sat down and watched ghostbusters, which btw is SUCH a good movie i fucking love it, i cant wait to watch afterlife again soon! (which i also went to an early showing of ghostbusters afterlife, which was SO COOL)

aaaaand then... that was it.

OH WAIT NO, THIS CAME OUT. i fucking love this series man im so excited for the next installment, and the behind the scenes is so cool wtf???????/ anyways i love the lil gourd dude with my life. also the boys i love the boys

thats it though!! i hope you all had a happy halloween, and ill see you later!! bye folks!

october 31st, 12:45 am

so its technically halloween already BUT im gonna be talking about the day before (oct 30th) since it basically is still that day to me! as you can tell i have a very fucked sleep schedule haha. also a short update cuz im tired & about to watch ghost files with my friends!

so i was PLANNING on hanging out with my irl friend-- ill call him moon-- and the idea was to go trick or treating a day early (a trick to get treats!) and then mess around with and try out my spirit box while roasting marshmallows by the fire and eating smores! anyways those plans fell through because he cancelled an hour before :( so that combined with oct 30th being a trauma anniversay ended up in a pretty bad mental breakdown. :( but im better now!

instead i just kinda did nothing for a while, i just watched videos and read some books and that kinda thing. HOWEVER...

i decided to go out at midnight to try out my spirit box right when halloween starts, so i went to a small playground near my house and tried it out! i actually got some intresting responses! im planning on making a page to show all the evidence i get, so ill do that later >:D

thats it for now! ill update tomorrow! happy early halloween!!

october 30th, 1:21 am

hello!! so, this is my formal welcome to my site-- and more specifically my blogs! theres already an introduction on me in my home page, but ill give a more in-depth one here!!

so my name is jax, but you can also call me tommy, and i use he/it/pog pronouns aswell as others!! i usually just say im transmasc for simplicities sake, but its a bit more complicated than that, so ill break it down real quick; im boyflux, but my identity seems to go between male and nobinary, so ive made the label enboyflux to encompass both boyflux + nonbinary! im also fixigender, a neurodivergent-only label that basically means my gender is based around whatever hyperfixation i have at the time! this page has the rest of my gender and romantic identities, so check that out if youre curious!

im an artist, and ive been doing art for as long as i can remember. but apart from that i want to be good at so many other things! writing, music, coding, acting... the list goes on and on! thats part of the reason i have this website, to expand and see what other things i can try out! im not very good right now, im mostly relying on themes at the moment but soon im gonna try and make my own page from scratch (its gonna be one of my shrines! i also have to make a list of things i like/dislike, and also a guestbook, and also a buttons(?)(the little tiny gifs) page, and also... a todo list. obviously.)

also, heres a fun fact! im gonna try and become a paranormal investigator! specifically ghosts!! they really fascinate me, and are my biggest hyperfixations at the moment!! its part of the reason i started working on this site again, since a lot of the good sources on ghost info are all old 2000s sites, so it made me think of my website again and realize, shit, i gotta update this!!! honestly its good that im working on this again, i really want to move away from social media as a whole. it just makes me upset, esp with twitter getting sold to elongated muskrat or whatever. so im gonna be on neocities, tumblr, and cohost mostly for the time being i think! and discord too, probably! (you can add me on it, spiritbox#3696)

i thiiink. thats it? i dunno man! not much else to say, and i have a LOT of things to get ready!! tomorrow is gonna be a busy day and you can BET youre gonna get an update!! and hopefully a good one!!! oct 30 is kinda a rough day for me, but i have a lot of fun things planned so i think its gonna go okay :) however i keep forgetting i need to reply to my therapist 💔 anyways!! bye! ill update later!

october 29th, 7:36 am

oh my GOD. i am so unbearably tired right now but im so glad that im finally finished with this. ive been wanting to do this blog page for like a year now but never got around to it and when i finally did it took me HOURS to get the background image to look good. and im not even sure i like it. but its close enough :,)

that said... welcome to my blog post area!! ill just use this space to talk about whatever. about things i like i guess and just random stuff, talking about my day and so on!! idek if anyone will read these, honestly, but if you are, then... hi? what are you doing here? i hope you enjoy it regardless :D itll honestly probably be me just ranting about random things i like, but maybe ill actually talk about my life and stuff too?? i dont really know, i dont really share stuff about my life online anymore but im trying to break out of that especially since i have this website to post on!! (once i get better at like. idk. css? coding? I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ITS CALLED... the funniest part about it is thats what my dad does for a living. like. this stuff. and i have tried to learn and i have NO. FUCKING. IDEA. but i mean im here??? with a (barely) functional website?? so congrats to that)

i also just remembered im gonna get my own website domain thing which is really funny to me because. I Dont Want To Restart My Progress so im just gonna stay on neocities i think, i like the name of this one better lol . for context the domain im getting is the one i had ever since i was a kid but i just havent had access to it if that makes sense? anyways im not quite sure what ill do with it but i mainly have it for the email anyway! idk man. we'll see. im sure ill come up with something eventually!

anyways im not sure what else to write. maybe ill do an actual intro in the next post? but thats it for this one!!! thanks for listening! :)
